Mold Remediation

Mold spores, pollen, even bacteria and viruses – linger in the walls, ductwork, under floors and in damp areas of a building. These contaminants create poor air quality that can be hazardous to the people who live or work under these conditions.

Mavo Systems employs state-of-the art technology, equipment and techniques in every job it takes on—saving you time and money.

Drawing from years of environmental remediation experience, our team of environmental specialists and project managers work with you to complete the remediation process efficiently, thoroughly and with minimal disruption to your business.

Mavo Systems mold remediation services include:

  • Inspections and evaluations
  • Complete project estimate
  • Containment, removal, transport and disposal of all contaminated materials
  • Decontamination and disinfecting of the affected area
  • All required final documentation
  • Photographic documentation

Mavo Systems efforts, enthusiasm and willingness to cooperate in allowing W.E. O’Neil Construction to accelerate the schedule for the Mall of America-Nordstrom’s was imperative in turning over a finished product so expeditiously. Your performance and determination are greatly appreciated.

Rick Marshall, Project Superintendent